Jesse Milles

Jesse Mills, MD

Urologist, Associate Clinical Professor


Urology, Male Reproductive Medicine


University of Iowa College of Medicine, University of Missouri, University of California, Los Angeles


Your healthcare should be a dialog between you and your physician. Doctors can diagnose diseases and provide treatment but you must be proactive in your health; eat right, exercise daily and follow your doctor's treatment regimen to maximize your health.

— Jesse Mills, MD


Jesse Mills, MD, is a former writer for Verywell Health covering urology and male reproductive issues. He is a board-certified urologist who is fellowship trained in male reproductive medicine and surgery. He is the author of multiple peer-reviewed articles and book chapters in the field of urology, sexual medicine, and male fertility. He has a robust medical and surgical practice located in Denver, Colo., where he specializes in microsurgery of the male reproductive tract, penile prosthetics, and treatment of male endocrine disorders.


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